
Live 24/7 Towing Service

Free Scrap Car Removal

Have a Junk Car wasting space on your property or perhaps simply looking to scrap that old junk car for cash?

Circumstances such as horrendous accidents, age, improper maintenance, and more have led to unsafe vehicles that shouldn’t be driven on city roads without 6-month inspections prior. In any case, you will be paid to get rid of that junk car cluttering your home. Towing Junk Cars can schedule your junk car for evaluation and removal on the same day to make it as convenient as possible.

The value of the car may depend on its age, size, condition and sometimes model. That’s why we both need to be at the location to discuss the matter adequately. Be assured that the more salvageable parts of your junk, the better for your wallet, but we can promise you, no matter how rusty your scrap vehicle is, you will get the best value, plus, it’s better gone anyways.
Call us: 788-322-5157